Insights from Uniqodo

How Uniqodo is Elevating Today’s Biggest eCommerce Platforms | Uniqodo

Written by Chris Boud | Mar 27, 2024 4:44:35 PM

Over the last 30 years, companies whose growth hasn’t kept pace with the market have collapsed.1  With the eCommerce industry due to skyrocket to over 7 trillion dollars by 2025, it’s a case of “grow or die”, as online retailers fight to maintain their market share. 2

Here, we’ll examine how integrating your eCommerce platform with a powerful Promotion Experience Platform, could help you not just survive, but thrive, in this increasingly competitive marketplace. 

Suggested reading: If you’re looking for tips on how to optimise your promotions at scale, take a look at how other companies have achieved this, in our downloadable guide “What Winning Your Promotional Strategy Looks Like”. 

Why integration is fundamental to the success of online businesses

Connecting your eCommerce platform to all the important apps and systems your business uses, enables you to boost efficiencies, streamline operations, and deliver a superior omnichannel customer experience. By integrating with new and innovative SaaS solutions, companies can also avoid the high costs, and risks, involved with developing a solution from scratch.

Uniqodo is a prime example of successful integration in practice. It’s a Promotion Experience engine that integrates with all major eCommerce platforms, to help businesses elevate the way they target customers, and deliver promotions. 

How have eCommerce platforms and promotion engines evolved?

Over recent years eCommerce businesses have recognised a need to improve the way they deliver eCommerce promotions to customers, in order to deploy and manage them at scale. 

Hence the emergence of the promotions engine, a solution that offers eCommerce brands a way to streamline these processes.  

However, it’s becoming apparent that standard promotion engines fall short when faced with rising scale, and complex use cases. In order to get creative, and target customers in a more granular way, it’s time to upgrade your current systems, by integrating with a tool like Uniqodo.

The limitations of major eCommerce platforms and standard promotion engines

Ecommerce platforms, and standard promotions engines can generally support a range of promotional features. However, unlike a Powerful Promotion Experience platform like Uniqodo, they lack the powerful specialised technology required to implement truly personalised promotional campaigns at scale. Limitations include:  

  • Restricted campaign types: The majority of eCommerce platforms only support basic discounts and promotions, and lack the capability to deal with loyalty management, advanced bundling, or customisable gift card options. 
  • Below-par targeting and personalisation features: Most eCommerce platforms allow only for basic targeting, based on order and product attributes. Even platforms that offer more granular targeting options fail to make these options accessible via an API, or directly within the Campaign Manager.
  • Lack of cross-channel integration: Many larger eCommerce platforms lack the ability to deliver promotions seamlessly across email, push, SMS and other channels. 
  • No exclusivity: Platforms often lack the capability to mark specific campaigns as exclusive (non-stackable). This can lead to unauthorised usage of codes, with the risk of promotion fraud, and leakage (not to mention general confusion and human error).
  • Limited analytics: In general, eCommerce platforms have limited promotion analysis features, hindering your ability to determine what’s working, and what isn’t. 

Uniqodo’s unique capabilities and impact 

Unlike a standard promotions engine, Uniqodo’s powerful promotional platform allows you to create and run advanced, sophisticated, promotions that increase engagement and lift conversions: 

Personalised promotions at scale. 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide them with relevant offers and recommendations. 3 Uniqodo allows you to automate the distribution and redemption of offers, based on specific customer criteria. This level of personalisation goes further than basic discounts, and allows for varied reward types, tailored to individual customer data. This enhances the impact of campaigns, boosts conversion rates, and elevates customer satisfaction.

Cross-channel integration: Uniqodo’s Promotion Experience Platform integrates fully with all marketing channels, from affiliate, and CRM, to on-site, and paid social. This ensures that promotions are not only targeted, but accessible to customers throughout their entire journey, enhancing the overall experience, and lifting conversion rates. 

Integrates with all main eCommerce platforms: Uniqodo software integrates with all major existing eCommerce platforms, via API or JavaScript, and the software features a user-friendly interface. Our JavaScript tag makes deployment incredibly simple, and means you can be fully functional in no time (with a Uniqodo commitment of 99.5% uptime).

Automation and efficiency: By automating the process of campaign management, from personalisation and distribution, to validation, Uniqodo frees up valuable time for your eCommerce and marketing teams. This automation extends a campaign’s reach and optimises performance, whilst reducing human error.

Enhancing the customer experience: Uniqodo makes use of behavioural data and customer experience strategies, to create more engaging and holistic online promotion journeys. This can increase conversion and engagement throughout the entire customer lifecycle. 

Advanced promotional tools: Uniqodo goes beyond standard promotion codes, with software that allows you to implement advanced promotions, from diminishing discounts, and time-based promotions, to mystery wheels, and custom landing pages. These innovative promotional tools are designed to attract and engage customers more effectively than standard promotions.

Dedicated analytics dashboards: Uniqodo allows you to track, and analyse, your individual codes, and align them with specific customers.

Uniqodo: Fast-track implementation 

It’s incredibly simple to integrate Uniqodo with your existing eCommerce platform, with minimal disruption to processes. And you can expect expert guidance at every stage from our experienced support team. Given our many years’ experience working with leading eCommerce brands, you can be assured, you’ll be in good company.

Unlike with many other promotions engines, we offer a cost structure based on conversions, rather than issuance or API calls: You only pay us when you get a conversion, or a customer completes an action you desire. 

And, when you use our Experience Builder, there are no costly fees for using multiple providers or vendors either.

The future of eCommerce: Paved by Uniqodo

With promotions and loyalty critical areas for your brand, you need to opt for a world-class Promotion Experience platform, that allows you tailor your campaigns on a granular level. 

Uniqodo can integrate with your existing Commerce platform, and make a wide range of valuable promotional features instantly accessible to you.

We’ll help you reach audiences and deliver them highly personalised experiences, by, for example, rewarding customers with gifts based on repeat orders, or on specific behaviours they’ve displayed onsite. 

From gamification, to push notifications, and loyalty schemes, Uniqodo can transform your eCommerce store from being a place simply where transactions happen, to a captivating experience for customers. 

By integrating with Uniqodo, you’ll be able to quickly upgrade your eCommerce platform, and be ready to face the challenges of the eCommerce landscape head-on. 

Call us today to book a demo.  We’ll show you exactly how we can help your business grow in 2024 and beyond. 





















1. Grow or Die The New Reality of eCommerce

2. Worldwide eCommerce Sales are Set to Top $5 Trillion for First Time in 2022

3. 5 eCommerce Predictions for 2025