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14 eCommerce brands that hit their promotions for six.

Retail Promotion Strategies

6 marketing strategies for fashion brands that grab new customers

The world of fashion has always been competitive, and with between 12-24 million onli...

Retail Promotion Strategies

Marketing automation strategies that work in 2023

Like everything in the business sphere, marketing has undergone a significant shift i...

Retail Promotion Strategies

How to use promo codes to stop basket abandonment

In today’s digital era, basket abandonment is becoming all too common in the eCommerc...

Retail Promotion Strategies

Is your fashion brand ready for eCommerce in 2020?

In 2018, the global online fashion market was worth a whopping $533 billion — and tha...

Retail Promotion Strategies

6 Ways To Increase Online Sales In 2019

Ecommerce is competitive. If you want to grow in 2019, you can’t simply sit passively...

Retail Promotion Strategies

Retail voucher marketing strategies: getting ready for Christmas

The Christmas season isn’t yet upon us. But if you are in retail, it’s already past t...

Retail Promotion Strategies

Proven ways to drive customer acquisition online in 2023

The internet brings brands closer to customers. On-demand resources allow individuals...

Retail Promotion Strategies

How Retailers Can Use Promo Codes to Target Shopping Cart Abandonment

As much as $4 trillion worth of merchandise will be abandoned online this year. Not a...

Retail Promotion Strategies

Why Vouchers Work to Increase Customer Conversions

Increasing customer conversions and ecommerce customer acquisition are the main goals...